Thursday, 20 November 2014

Puisi : Bukan - Islam_Indah


oleh Islam_Indah

Lewat kelmarin aku terima
Aku berharap ianya kunci ke 
Dengan panduan cinta dari
Namun aku silap dalam

Puisi : Perjalanan - Islam_Indah


oleh Islam_Indah

Hati dan jiwaku terbelah
kerana cinta,
Yang mendekatkanku kepada Pencipta,
Kamukah yang mengisi ruang kosong
dalam kelam cahaya,
Atau sekadar pujangga yang 
melafazkan kata..

Monday, 17 November 2014

Puisi : Pulang - Islam_Indah


oleh Islam_Indah

Saturday, 6 September 2014

PUISI : Ibu, kau yang bersalah! - Skepticalnoob (SN)

Ibu, kau yang bersalah!

oleh Skepticalnoob (SN)

Aku kini sudah dewasa,
Tidakkah kau dapat melihat, aku punya ramai teman?
Bagaimana bisa aku duduk terperap di rumah menemanimu.
Aku tahu kau penat bekerja,
Tapi apa kau tahu aku penat belajar.
Kau hanya belajar setakat alif, ba, ta,
Aku belajar sehingga ke menara gading.

Aku lebih pintar IT daripada kau,
Kau baru mahu merasa menggunakan telefon pintar,
Ah, banyak sungguh pertanyaanmu mengenai alam maya,
Aku sibuk, sibuk melayan teman-temanku,
Aku sibuk mahu menjadi pakar motivasi untuk rakan lain jantinaku,
Aku sibuk mahu merancang pergi ke tempat-tempat baru,
Kau memanggilku lembut, berkali-kali,

Saturday, 30 August 2014

When Hidayah Calls

When Hidayah Calls

Translated by Shazwani Mohd Ismail (PI-Gen’s translator)
From an article entitled “Saat Hidayah Menyapa Hatiku”
Originally written by Nawwar Nabila Mohd. Aris, Majalah JOM! Editor (Bachelors of Engineering, Moscow Aeronautic Institute, Russia)
Source : Majalah JOM! : Issue No.11, (February 2013), page 17~19.

Listening to the story itself makes me feel touched. The ummah today should take an example out of the sincerity and perseverance in search of Allah's hidayah and upholding the aqidah, even though it is very challenging.

She is known as Ash, the eldest child of two siblings. Becoming a Muslim has made her family, her parents especially, could not accept the fact. Let’s read her story!

"When I was in Standard Three, dad wants me to be in the first class. The teacher said that it is not possible, because only third and fourth class has the 'Moral' subject. But my dad still insisted that I must be in the first class. So he said, I had to learn Agama Islam."

That was the first time Ash learnt about Islam. Ash and her classmates always studied together and had study groups of their own at a surau nearby their residence. One day, as soon as her Muslim friends entered the surau, they took of their hijab. Ash had dared herself to ask them, why would they be wearing hijabs when they do not feel comfortable?

We Are Neither Superman Nor Hulk

We Are Neither Superman Nor Hulk

Translated by Shazwani Mohd Ismail (PI-Gen’s translator)
From an article entitled “Kita Bukan Superman Mahupun Hulk”
Originally written by Khadeejah Khaulah (Editor Majalah JOM! & Co-Founder of website)
Source : Majalah JOM! : Issue No.18, (September 2013), page 92~93.

Lately, many of us are going through the weakness of iman phase. There are many situations such as being lazy, returning to the jahiliyyah era and there are also those who leave the amal path due to fatigue. It is even more surprising that these happen to those who are already recognized in the da’wah field.

It is undeniable that this is a phenomenon in which Allah is filtering them out. However, there are several other factors that contribute to this phenomenon.

Friday, 29 August 2014

PUISI : Masa Berlalu - Shazwani Mohd Ismail

Masa Berlalu

oleh Shazwani Mohd Ismail

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